About the Space Explorers

The ATLAS Space Explorers Post 2025 is sponsored by ATLAS Space Operations. The Exploring program is an affiliate of the Boy Scouts of America. This program is for teens and young adults, ages 12 to 19, who have an interest in learning more about careers in space technology. Youth leaders, under the guidance of adult advisors, run the program.
Post activities enhance Explorer preparation for future roles as productive citizens, responsible community members, and contributors to America’s continuing development as a Space Nation. This program is designed to mirror, to the greatest extent possible, the reality of working in a high end startup tech company.
The ATLAS Space Explorer program has three sections:
1) A Technical Challenge:
In past years, the Explorers have launched simulated satellites using a high altitude balloon to collect atmospheric information and a tethered balloon to assist with the proof of concept portion of the Unmanned Traffic Management System; they've participated in the American Rocketry Challenge; and during the COVID restriction years, they participated in the StellarXplorers program, which is affiliated with the Air Force Association's STEM outreach program.
2) Presentations and Public Speaking:
Each year, the Explorers learn about the pitch process from the creation of the pitch deck to the final presentation to potential investors. Past presentations have been made to TC New Tech, Grand Traverse Economic Development Corporation, Michigan Air Force Association, and the founding members of the StellarXplorers program. Members have also been panelists at the Michigan Space Forum and North American Space Summit, and they've exhibited at TADL MakerFest, MakerFaire Detroit, and at the Northern Michigan Startup Week Space Night.
3) Presentations with People in Space Related Jobs:
So often, kids love the idea of becoming a rocket scientist, but have no idea how to go about becoming one. One of our goals is to show them that there are real people out there doing that very thing. We've heard from astrophysicists, congressional space policy experts, spaceport builders, lunar explorers, rocket company leaders, and many others tell the Explorers about what inspired them to pursue their chosen career paths, what it looked like from high school through to the position they currently occupy, what suggestions they might have to assist the Explorers, and even suggestions on what pitfalls they ought to avoid, but might not be able to see without a heads up.